Navigating Parenthood with a Chronic Condition: A Health Coach's Journey

Mar 20, 2024

Living with a chronic condition while juggling the responsibilities of parenthood and work can feel like an uphill battle. 

family in the kitchen, children

Navigating the complexities of life with a chronic condition while balancing the demands of parenthood and work often feels like an uphill struggle. Despite my role as a health coach, skilful at steering others towards wellness, I frequently encounter challenges in applying these strategies to my own life. In this blog post, I invite you to join me on a personal journey through the peaks and valleys of managing a chronic condition while striving to excel as both a parent and a professional.

The Daily Struggle

Each morning, the simple act of getting out of bed can feel like scaling a mountain for me. Living with a condition known as Sickle Cell Anaemia & Beta Thalassemia means contending with persistent fatigue and bone pain, as my body struggles to distribute oxygen effectively. Quality sleep is often hard to achieve, leaving me grappling with a daily mix of exhaustion, discomfort, and sleep disturbances.

While this explanation offers a glimpse into my daily reality, it's essential to understand the relentless nature of navigating these challenges repeatedly, day in and day out. It's a task in itself, sapping away at my reserves of positivity and resilience.

Expressing the fluctuating emotions and sensations I experience throughout the day can be incredibly challenging. There's a desire to conceal my pain, avoiding questions like "what's wrong?" Yet, keeping this hidden from conversations with colleagues, my husband, or even my children only adds to the frustration. Can't they see I'm struggling? Can't they see I need support, or even just a hug? Unfortunately, they can't. It's easy to forget that others aren't mind readers; they can't see past the façade of smiles or upbeat demeanour I present.

Balancing Parenthood

When I made the decision to have children, I envisioned myself as a stellar mother—someone who's always there to listen, to provide a safe space for them to express themselves. But maintaining that ideal requires me to be in a positive mindset myself. Yet, the daily demands of parenthood—the school runs, lunch prep, PE kits, and after-school activities—quickly drain my energy reserves, leaving me feeling depleted.

The reality of parenting hit me hard once my children arrived. They say no one fully prepares you for parenthood, but trust me, there's even less preparation when you're contending with your own health challenges, battling with your mindset, and enduring physical pain while being solely responsible for another life.

Guilt becomes a constant companion at every turn. Many times I couldn't always engage in fun playtime with my children because of my pain. I couldn't chase my toddler around the park due to physical limitations. Even attending play sessions became a struggle, weighed down by the sheer effort of managing everything. Despite pushing through the pain and making every effort to participate, I found myself constantly running on empty.

Mother balancing family

No-one can see your internal battles.

If you find yourself nodding along to this struggle and are seeking guidance on how to not just survive, but thrive as a parent, then read on for my tried-and-tested tips. But remember, parenting is a dynamic journey, and what works one day may not work the next. Stay flexible and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of parenthood.

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Wellness Chat

These starting points can be powerful tools in managing your health while navigating parenthood. I encourage you to take the first step and experience the positive impact of making small, consistent changes and engaging in regular discussions.

I'd love to hear about your progress! Please reach out to me through my FREE wellness chats, where I can offer guidance to help you take the next steps in finding balance between your health and family life.

For more helpful resources and ongoing support, consider joining my community: The Meraki Health Family. As a member, you'll receive monthly emails filled with valuable insights and have the opportunity to connect with other parents facing similar challenges in our Facebook group. Together, we can navigate this journey towards wellness and fulfilment.

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